Friday, January 16, 2009

Just Wednesday

Everywhere I look these days, I see hearts and Cupid's bows.
They tell us in their subtle ways, to show how our love goes.
It seems they have a holiday, for each and every act.
But if that's what it is to care, I'd rather give it back
To me, my love is private.I let it light my way.
Love, it seems, should not be saved, for just one holiday.
I shall not buy a present, to give my Valentine.
I tell him each and every day, that I'm so glad he's mine.
Tonight, we'll light some candles, we'll share a meal and wine,
We'll dance around the parlor, and that will be just fine.
I know we both remember, what makes this feel so right.
'Tho this is not a holiday, it's just a Wednesday night.
We're friends who love each other, we're kids who still believe,
That it is still more blessed,to give than to receive.
For no one owns tomorrow, we only have today.
Dont's save it for it may not come, just give your love away.

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